Software Security (SOS)
In this course, we will study various techniques for analysing and
improving the security propoerties of a program. The techniques
include static type systems, abstract interpretation and run-time
monitoring, and the security properties of interest include
information-flow (direct and indirect) as well as memory protection
and isloation. The course will start by presenting the analysis
techniques and the formalism used for defining these analyses. This
will build on basic notions of operational semantics and data-flow
analysis (obtained e.g. from the M1 courses on those topics). We will
then study examples of security verification mechanisms, with an
emphasis on information flow analysis. The course will study several
programming languages (Java, JavaScript, assembly) and examine the
security mechanisms offered by these different programming languages.
Software security ; information flow control ; program analysis ; type systems ; abstract interpretation
Basic notions of operational semantics and data flow analysis
Part 1 - Foundations of static analysis
- Inductive definitions and operational semantics
- Static type systems : progress, type-preservation, soundness
- Partial orders and lattices, data-flow analysis, abstract interpretation
Part 2 - Security analysis
- Non-interference, taint analysis, information-flow analysis
- Security monitors, bytecode verification
Learning outcomes
In this course, the student will acquire knowledge about advanced
program static analysis. The student will learn how to apply these
techniques and how these techniques are used to analyse and enforce
security policies for protecting a piece of software.
Thomas Jensen (responsible), Benoit Montagu